What is the importance of certified stop function on an industrial remote control?

Posted on September 7, 2020 at 1:20 pm

A stop function is an essential safety part of the transmitter and guarantees a constant, active connection with the receiver and a minimum risk of failure according to official safety standards.

If there is an error message or the transmitter is out of range of the receiver, the certified stop function will automatically activate. The tilt and drop sensor automatically shuts down the system in the event of an unexpected, potentially dangerous movement. This prevents unwanted button presses and activation of functions and guarantees the necessary safety. Shut down of the system can also be done by hand using the stop button on the transmitter.

What is a PLd, PLe and SIL3 level?

The abbreviation PL stands for ‘Performance Level’ and the abbreviation SIL stands for ‘Safety Integrity Level’. Both are a method of assessing electrical, electronic and programmable electronic systems. This method determines to what extent a system can fail, the probability in which this can happen and the severity of the consequences. After the determination, one can look at how the risk of dangerous failure can be reduced to an acceptable level.

Tele Radio offers several wireless solutions with stop functions (stop button) that meet safety levels ranging from PLd/CAT3 to PLe/CAT3 and SIL3. Both are suited for work with high risks and where the change of failure is reduced to an absolute minimum.

Is your wireless remote control certified by an independent organization?

A PL or SIL certification is not required by law, but it is very important for guaranteeing safety. Therefore, always ask for the certificate from your supplier and make sure that this certificate is issued by an independent party (Notified Body). All Tele Radio systems with a safety level on the stop button are certified by an independent notified body.

Safety certifications are often a requirement in the offshore, in automated access systems, in the operation of cranes and winches, in the chemical and process industries.

What is the difference between a stop button and a certified stop function?

Finally, a brief explanation of the difference between a ‘stop button’ and a ‘certified stop button’. Tele Radio sells remote controls with stop button and certified stop button. Our certified stop button has an independent certificate from a notified body and continuously checks safety and has an extreme low change of failure as already explained to you. This is not the case with the stop button function. Transmitters with a stop button function will not automatically switch off in the event of a defect or loss of range, neither can the faultless operation of the stop button be guaranteed under all conditions. This knowledge is important when choosing which remote control is most suitable for your specific application. For risky work, a transmitter with a high (independent certified) safety level is self-evident. If you have any questions about our wireless remote control, please contact our sales.
